Monday, December 7, 2015

person infomation update

Info update on...


   Mr. Abby still influences the USA based environmental movements as a solid foundation to inspire other activists in the field. Now these days his actions have been reduced to faint ripples on the public consciousness since his death. Those that hold his ideals have picked him his torch effectively giving his memory, however changed into more a general "Save the earth" without smaller specific ideals like very small family sizes. Which is probably better off for his memory and the political movement he is now the "Patron saint" of sorts of.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Nature’s Vendetta
            Back in yesteryear of 1991, March 10, I was the first born to my parents, born into the Clark Air Base hospital in the Philippines. The grand achievement of technology allowing my birth in the evening to be sent across the sea, and over the nebulous day line, this allowed my grandparents to brag at Church that I was born THIS evening THAT morning. But little did my family know the very earth beneath our feet sought our destruction.
            The first of nature’s campaign to strike out at me was swift on geological terms, through March of 1991 into early June magma rose towards the surface from inside Mount Pinatubo eventually causing three steam craters on the north flank of the volcano to be blown out sending great volumes of Sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. This took place far from the base but all in one terrifying go…The world shook and the people of the Philippines watched the end of the world happen as everything they lived for was blanketed in suffocating ash for the next 24 hours, black rain flowed through the pyroclastic and rang with thunder. The stone and fire coated the Philippines.
            When the sun finally graced the sundered earth it was coated in 2 feet of ejecta or what normal people call rocks and ash. This prevented all local services from functioning until the roads themselves were cleared. It was like if nature couldn’t kill me outright, it would starve me and the locals through infrastructure damage. With the first of nature’s attempts to take my life over my mother took me to the U.S Naval Base Subic Bay to take part in Operation Fiery Vigil which was clearly created to save me specifically from Mt. Pinatubo’s onslaught. Well that and 15,000 others of course. We were sent off on on the USS Mirrill, because the USS Abraham Lincoln which was a destroyer class ship. The boat was filled with pregnant women and children less than a year old.
            The young navy sailors suffered by sleeping at their stations as evacuated mothers and their children used their cramped but comparatively welcoming bunks for two days. The volcano wasn’t done and response to my successful escape let loose and damaged the US navy base so much that the USA didn’t reinstate the lease they had with the Philippine government. Me and my mother escaped from the looming shadow from the volcanic ash by stopping in Guam and being taken to Hawaii over the international date line leaving my mom without proper account of what happened there beyond a huge transport plane called a STAR LIFTER which is pretty cool by name alone.
            I have survived the most powerful of nature’s tools of destruction what was left to try and destroy me? Well true to form that was about the most dangerous nature could attempt to do to me. Nature started with a huge bang and seemingly couldn’t follow up the grand military operation to extract specifically me and fifteen thousand others. It took three months before my father was able to return and be with me and my mother.
            Now though? Years later there have been a few clear attempts on my life I just know it. The most insidious was the horses… In the small clearly representative sample of horses I have ridden all about 5, 2 have decided to sit down while I was on them, quickly after I was given a new horse to ride instead of being done. Though the 8 year old example of this event was probably close to a properly panicked child I would have ever personally have been.
            More recent accurate things I can say have all happened while I have lived here, in New Mexico. Nature’s tactics just have become more attrition based. Slowly our house is whittled down with hail and washed away with water run off that shouldn’t be happening. I have seen fire on the horizon with proper worries about maybe evacuating. And the slow and miserable allergy seasons that make me miserable even if it’s nowhere near lethal.
            The only active attempt in my teenaged years was mostly a bloodletting event, simple addition brings this grave event to light, I was riding my bike, plus going too fast, plus transitioning from pavement to gravel, and going downhill. I was left scared from the event…I mean literally I have a pretty nasty looking scar on my hip from where I got torn up the most from the fall. Seeing my own blood simply doesn’t faze me but seeing flesh torn is entirely new to a person who is frequented by nose bleeds in their youth
            During this last July I traveled with my mother and two siblings still living at home we went to witness and celebrate my brother and new brother in law in their marriage. This took place way in Minnesota and we drove there suffering the two days drive. The last leg of the drive I was in the driving seat and we saw this huge cloud front on the horizon for the last 2 hours. We constantly watched the leading edge of the storm looking for funnel clouds as our phones constantly gave us storm warnings. The storm poured hard enough that it flooded the roads and sent rain steeper than 45 degrees, great golf ball sized hail threatened the windshield and my siblings panicked. Thinking quickly we found refuge under the edge of a gravel transport truck. Due to the angle of the hail the truck completely protected us. We waited for the storm to pass and then carried on with the storm exhausted it was safe to continue. Clearly this exhausted nature’s attempts to take me out once more, but nature had one more trick to try and pull. On the way back still on the first day of the drive it was twilight and I was constantly watching the edges of the sprawling farm land and then I saw a deer. It was running parallel to us. I calmly declared “Deer, right side.” When it suddenly gained a death wish and darted in front of us. Thanks to my warning we managed to evade slaying the deer or and vehicle damage. We only had to use the actually good breaks of the car to give everyone in the vehicle a good stressful shock of the day to not kill the deer. The rest of the trip home was very uneventful.
            Nature despite its clear anti-social tendencies at trying to take make me isolationist. It won’t be nature doing it, it’ll be other people, and none of this nature stuff makes me panic as much as poor drivers. Signal lights, headlights simply not being used, or people drifting into my lane. I have had drivers syncing their movement while hanging out in my blind spot even when I deliberately shift speed to shove them out. The worse though that genuinely makes me worry are people changing lanes without checking blind spots which I deliberately try to stay out of.
            However even if I’ll never be fearful of nature it’s done its best with what it has left. After such a great opening act it is a bit disappointing the attempts now a days. A week ago it was a non-poisonous snake poised to startle me more than anything when it bolted away from me near the front door of home. It couldn’t have done more than startle me into tripping or something of that nature. But literally today nature one for clear originality tried the storm angle again and did indeed make me miserable. There is that point when water over saturates the pant legs and start to flow into your shoes that you just know you are in for a bad time.

            Now a days I respect nature but I fear it not. First on my birth on volcanic lands I now live among the dormant tombs of metamorphic stones secure in the idea that it cannot do me in…But that guy without headlights behind me while it was very much dark at night on the freeway?! That…That stuff is nuts.

Research Paper! About Cow farts or something

Zack Pascal
Ana June
ENG 220-036
source : Morgue file
Livestock is massive industry which greatly impacts the USA in behaviors, expectations and more far reaching effects. I have the impression of the, ever expanding, food industry growing in unsustainable direction which focuses far too much on livestock production. So this paper introduces economic concepts of good types, how big the livestock market is, what livestock does to people in the USA and external impacts, and what good alternatives exist to livestock in the food industry.
2.      Market Concepts
A few relevant economics terms need to be mentioned and explained for this paper, they are all very straight forward so don’t panic. The first term is market; this can be as broad or specific as needed. In this case the market includes every food item available for purchase. Looking at the food market in this way allows us to get a grand overall perspective of what types of foods are purchased.
The next concept is frequently presented as three terms, they are: inferior good, normal good and luxury good. These are immediately straight forward concepts. Inferior good is, with in this context, a food you buy when objectively short on money. This is your grains and rice, the super basic food stuffs that would be considered bland by its self, but it beats starving. However the food market is a non-disposable good, you cannot simply stop eating when you can’t afford it, instead shifting to extremes of the cheapest possible food.
Normal goods, are the majority bulk of products in existence. When a person has more money the growth these foods are very directly predictable. More money means more normal goods are purchased, however in the case of food products saturation is a real thing that prevent infinite scaling without pre-set assumptions beyond this paper.
Luxury goods are products are purely unneeded to get by. In the case of the food market luxury goods are your prime steaks, wines and, yes, organic food. Luxury goods grow at a very slow rate in comparison to normal goods, and typically do not co-exist with inferior goods outside of extreme cases of opportunity cost.
Opportunity cost is a bread and butter basic of economic concept, which can be reduced to a “This or That” type description, but is not used in a “This, AND that”, the allowance for more is normally a function of time or money, and the act of picking is which someone rather have over another good. This can be changed by seemly any number of external forces, so for example “I have had too many burgers lately” could be a food market relevant factor into its self. These self-examinations of worth of goods exists in a permament state of what was given up.
And to round this out because this is relevant for the end of the paper, substitute goods in this case are foods that can be immediately replaced with no loss of benefit so the choice boils down to what is cheaper.
3.      Perspective of meat as a good
Fairly straight forward livestock have economically been a luxury good even in barter systems. Intuitively meat takes more resources than plants grown to feed them. The reason why livestock and herd based shepherds used animals is because they would allow them to use more resources of the land. As far as herbs went, grasses were otherwise impossible for humans to digest without the livestock as a medium. Back before the great cultivation of land this livestock eating feed and pasture the owners could not themselves digest. Now with the extreme modernization and efficiency of farms it’s much easier to create farms specifically with food that can be, without another consumer to turn it to meat, be consumed. Instead meat presents more clearly inefficient uses of farm land which is exemplified NPR’s illustration of the resources used to make a 1/4th pound of ham burger: 6.7 pounds of grain and forage, 52.8 water for the cattle and crops, 74.5 square feet of simple land for grazing and 1036 Btus for all the industry in that space, which is far harder to relate.
4.      How large is the Meat Market
Now that we have some basic concepts laid out it’ll be much easier to lay out how huge the market is. Even with the previously held impressions, the real world statistics are interesting. Let us start with the most fowl of industries, boiler chicken. Boiler chicken refers specifically to chickens bred to mature extremely quickly in 6 weeks to then be immediately slaughtered. The current projected by the USDA consumption rate of boiler chickens is a staggering 88.8 pounds per person in the USA. This statistic is year 2015. Likewise the USDA projected statistic for total red meat in the USA in 105.2 pounds per person in 2015. The USA’s total projected meat in pounds per person including red meat, all birds; Turky, non-boiler chickens, at 210.8 pounds of meat which when put on yearly scale is slightly less than two thirds of a pound every day, which is straight up staggering. Given the common stat of 318.9 million people in the USA, as of 2014, results in a hard to grasp value of 6.706467e10 which pulled out of scientific notation is 67,064,670,000 pounds of meat. Thankfully per capita statistics are far easier to grasp.
Using strictly per capita data between nations the USA is still the consumer leader but with a couple nations biting the USA’s heels in this market. The following top 5 is from data 2009 : 120.2 Kg, USA. 119.2 kg, Kuwait. 111.5 kg, Australia. 109.5 kg, Bahamas. And Luxembourg at 107.9 kg.  Just from this data set at least we can take from this that the USA isn’t the only country that loves its meat. Kuwait’s consumption makes a great deal of sense from a luxury good perspective being an extremely wealthy small nation on the Middle Eastern oil market.
5.      What has happened to the goods type of meat?
Unfortunately instead of becoming a luxury good meat strangely, if we look at fast food, became an inferior good. This is representative of the difficulty to get decent food that doesn’t depend on a meat patty from the fast food market. For the USA it is fairly difficult to get good food without meat in it ready made.
6.      What is the Opportunity Cost of this huge livestock market?
The meat market consumes a huge amount of resources that could instead be spent on less feed and more grains fit for human consumption. To pretend that grain doesn’t have its own cost of production is naïve but it’s immediately apparent that directly grown for food is clear. Eating first consumers; herbivores, is always at fraction of the nutritional value of the input feed. The larger livestock the worse this ratio is that could instead be spent directly on people.
7.      What does having so much livestock do to the earth?
“Globally, over 60% of total CH4 emissions come from human activities. [1] Methane is emitted from industry, agriculture, and waste management activities…”(EPA para. 2)
Right now livestock contributes a significant of methane to atmosphere which the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency tracks. While on the provided scale graphic, Manure Management is 10% of the methane contribution to the atmosphere. While manure is the one of the lesser methane producers it is only this huge because of the 67 billion pounds of meat that the USA consumes. Currently with the huge feed lots that we maintain as a nation, they are a potential breeding ground for horrible company scale destroying disease so they are flooded with a terrifying amount of antibiotics. This is a greater issue than the greenhouse gases, a non-necessary use antibiotic is to prop up an overly large market that both wastes resources and indirectly enables sickness to strengthen and possibly kill human beings. The alleged need of antibiotics of feed lots is only out of the sheer density of the animals kept there. This density wouldn’t be needed if the meat market in the USA was much smaller and treated like the luxury meat should be.

            The EPA states that:
Methane (CH4) emissions in the United States decreased by almost 15% between 1990 and 2013. During this time period, emissions increased from sources associated with agricultural activities, while emissions decreased from sources associated with the exploration and production of natural gas and petroleum products.”(EPA para 8.)
Which means that literally cow poop is the only thing not improving as far as methane emissions go.  Which is a real problem even though it’s hard to take the idea that poop contributing such a global system as global warming seriously. However with solid data like “Pound for pound, the comparative impact of CH4 on climate change is more than 25 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period.”(EPA para 1), it becomes extremely hard to ignore.
8.       What could we do with the replaced crops with food stuffs instead of livestock feed?
Straight up feed people. There is so much farm land put into relatively wasteful food supplies of livestock. There is really no sugar coating this.
            This is not to say one hundred percent outmode every bit of livestock in the country but a healthy reduction of 50 pounds per person probably would enrich our cultural pallet and maybe force fast food restaurants to have better tasting bulk products to sell, instead of just more burgers.
            Currently the future replacements to that protein, which will turn the stomachs of a few, are bugs. Crickets present an amazing amount of protein for investment of resources. Now granted we would have to get over the food taboo that is eating bugs. Crickets with a helping of legitimate effort allows crunchy protein filled food that has none of the issues of huge giant livestock lots and antibiotic issues. Bugs like crickets could be cared for on site without really any resource drain. They provide a mixture of texture and indeed the protein that would be lost on giving up other meats. Despite the positives presented the taboo attached to the cricket and other bugs is difficult to throw off, not that we are not trying right now. Kate Taylor presents in an article that
As food makers seek to make insects the new "it" food, their biggest hurdle won't be publicity or production; it will be convincing consumers that eating bugs is something they want to do.  And while unraveling age-old perceptions about bugs is no easy feat, the process has already begun.”(Taylor, pars. 5)
This article goes into great depth in the subject outlining the whole America eating bugs situation. The article goes on to outline a large number of vectors to attempt to get the USA to consume crickets, however some of them do undermine the mainstream goal that would subsume the greater livestock market. But it still could be functional displaying them as special exotic food to get them started on the road to main stream as stated again by the articles author.
Insects don't have to appeal to everyone just yet. They just need to appeal to a certain section of the population that values adventure and worldliness, eager to try new things. Fortunately for bug-lovers, that proportion of the population is present and growing. “(Taylor, pars 20)
Immediate replacement of any market simply isn’t a possibility in the USA. Hopefully it will be seen for what it is and supplement all levels of the American diet.

9.        Conclusion
            The research provided is not frequently put in this context, even though this perspective is most definitely needed. The overall trend of meat becoming an inferior good is disastrous in economies, yet this only appears to be properly a thing in the USA. Each element contributing to a problem that puts the entire world at risk of added methane and anti-biotic resistant sicknesses.
            Solutions are not painless, but it almost completely leans on the change of diet which while sounding simple is ultimately extremely hard to shift and influence. But if desirable replacements could be placed into the average person’s mind in this nation and that bulk food retailers would sell them I am confident there would be a general flow away from so many meat products. At the very least having more options to diversify from the seemingly one dimensional market of the meat patty would relieve stress from the atmosphere and the arms race medicine plays with anti-biotic resistant sickness.
            And maybe we will be met with the chirps of crickets in kitchens rather than that of apathy. With expectations met with some exceeding hard to grasp numbers, such as 67 billion pounds of meat consumed in the USA. While I like my beef patties the extremes of this market reality is staggering. To improve this situation is to turn a glacier but ultimately it is doable.

"Per Capita Consumption of Poultry and Livestock, 1965 to Estimated 2016, in Pounds - The National Chicken Council." The National Chicken Council. USDA, 10 July 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
"Per Capita Consumption of Poultry and Livestock, 1965 to Estimated 2016, in Pounds - The National Chicken Council." The National Chicken Council. USDA, 10 July 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
"Per Capita Consumption of Poultry and Livestock, 1965 to Estimated 2016, in Pounds - The National Chicken Council." The National Chicken Council. USDA, 10 July 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
"Overview of Greenhouse Gases." Methane Emissions. EPA. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

Davis, John. "Environmental Scientists Find Antibiotics, Bacteria, Resistance Genes in Feedlot Dust." Environmental Scientists Find Antibiotics, Bacteria, Resistance Genes in Feedlot Dust. Texas Tech University, 22 Jan. 2015. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.
Taylor, Kate. “How Food Makers Are Convincing America to Eat Bugs” Entrepreneur, Oct. 8. 2014 : Web November 5, 2015

Alright because I don’t see instructions on what form beyond formatting on the reflection I need to do, such as separate file or not, but from what I can tell it’s supposed to be within the same document? So that is my guess and I am totally going with it.
I chose this subject because I knew enough of economic theory to outline some of the underlining concepts with personal knowledge. For the longest time I have been aware of the over industrialization of livestock to clearly sustained by artificial processes that would immediately die out if catastrophe happened in the area.
I sectioned stuff off with bulleted points to make it a little bit easier to follow, as I have trouble with longer papers like this, because I literally think I run out of things to say. I always tell people I like my brevity in my writing, for good writing makes the complex understandable rather than making the simple impenetrable.
I very straight forwardly bring up these concepts, though I do feel like I dropped some of the train of thought. Unfortunately I can only take the blame for the rushed time table that this paper took, getting written effectively in four days between other obligations that either was met or fell through.
Not too much pathos was invoked on the grounds that topic at hand is not a problem of opinion; it is a problem that is a matter of fact. Pathos is more of a tool of subjective or political stances. Though I do admit I had to do the terrible pun about the boil chicken industry, but I am not sure if that counts as pathos. Rather than invoking the rhetoric to get people to do things, I rather press direct awareness with a fairly fast paced paper, instead of hanging on one topic for ages.
I also found out that it’s harder than you’d expect to be able to pull some statistics out of google.

Hmm…yeah… I don’t have too much more to put here. I am happy with what I managed to do but I know it’s not the best paper but I wouldn’t feel bad presenting it to people. 

"The Road" Review

Zack Pascal
Ana June
The Road Review
 “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy is a well-known novel which is known at a mainstream level as a post-apocalypse setting in which a story of survival takes place. Before reading the book I had the nebulous impression from the main stream that it was an extremely depressing doom and gloom type story. Instead this novel was far more defiant survival story, which was full of depressing doom and gloom.
The raw summery of the book is fairly simple. Father and son travel through a looted and rotting world for the smallest embers of hope of hidden stores of supplies, heading south seeking warmer weather and maybe a real solution to their situation. This post-apocalypse has your mainstays of the setting type, your cannibals and burnt hell scape of a world. Less common but associated concepts for the cynical side of the setting is starving and dis-empowerment. Now the freezing due to weather is honestly the first instance that I have experienced in a post-apocalypse setting type, most authors default to the desert wasteland style. Throughout the book the reader is presented scenes of desperation brought by starvation and apparent finality of the suffocating dark. Punctuated with bone soaking rain and frozen ash covered landscapes. Between these scenes are small moments of respite, the highs on these extreme lows, if it wasn’t for these moments the book would be straight up unpalatable.
            The story is indeed fairly positive as a written work. But a few elements were lost on first reading. These elements were: Time frame, Setting visibility, and some not as critical but mostly strange until you learn how the author writes: Dialog. The time frame presented in the book is totally nebulous which I know is intentional but many elements simply couldn’t work without at least some time set aside for these elements to take place. Namely time wise it is the duration into the current apocalypse and the age of the child, with the descriptions of the father giving up on keeping a calendar and the child being old enough to read and speak well but having no knowledge of the pre-apocalypse would maybe place the child at age 6 at most which makes some of the imagery hard to take with mechanical erosion (Expanding ice) type damage hard to ignore as being the main entropic force in the area. Unless the case was that the area was normally significantly warmer so that the extremes of weather presented is very new which is not well presented beyond winters getting harsher early in the book as why they were traveling south. The other issue I had was as a reader I was unable to get a decent sense of overall visibility which was presented only a couple times, very clearly the sky is life strangling overcast and persistent but horizontal visibility is only presented as a part of the landscape as limited in the last forth of the book which leaves the landscape under presented until that point. And finally the author doesn’t use quotation marks for dialog, this is surprisingly off putting and took me out of the book, however in best case this pulls the reader farther away from the story to an observer position…but this could just be me making up a reason.
            As far as environmental messages go, there isn’t much there beyond a tapestry presented as what person would do to survive within the apocalyptic wasteland where society wanes in the wake of the presumably nuclear sun which graced the land.
            The audience I would recommend it towards would be writers wanting to present a doom and gloom setting. However the book was probably intended towards the general populace to ward off the appeal of the nuke as a weapon, otherwise the story is extremely agnostic to the cause effects and why I would instead tell contemporaries about how to present a landscape.

            The Road is not a flawless book. This book is sometimes janky in its presentation of interaction of characters to the world but creates impressive scenery and feel of the world. This book leads me to recommend the book to other writers interested in improving their landscape writing. Otherwise I jokingly boil this book down to this grossly inaccurate phrase “The Road is like the later Mad Max films except less people and car chasing, but far more starving and freezing to death.” This is mostly joking but after this over all depressing book I’ll be taking a couple more scraps of positivity I can reach for. 
Additional art!

Because I took drawing 1 this term.

Entertaining the concept of ART

Is Nature Art. Is life and death Art?
Simple answer…no.
Medium answer…It can be pretty but art is typically designed or assigned. As such…
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
"the art of the Renaissance"
(Copied from the “Define Art” result on google.)


Art is a social construct. As such anything can be ASSIGNED as art by anyone.
This is not to say Nature, Life or death cannot be aesthetically pleasing, but this is not the same as “ART”. What becomes art is completely up to the people around it who call it art.
And this is simply fine art instead of applied arts.
Fine art is a strange field. Obsessed with message or meaning until it is buried under so much symbolism that it is lost, or even worse the artist stops trying to improve and nothing original comes from it anymore. Right now it is a running joke that Banksy, the graffiti artist is saying the same thing forever in less and less interesting ways. The more focused fine artists don’t bury their message and can actually get things across, however the time of the “Fine artist” is a bit gone and past. It also feels like fine art praises “Classical” works.
Applied arts, is far more interested in how to create impact desired. What does each color incite? How do shapes and composition change things? Jagged vs smooth, and so on. Tone and tempo effects everything. Within the strange duality of Fine arts and Applied arts, applied arts…applies way more to fine art than the other way around, especially if trying to make a living off it is important.

Thus presentations of life, death and nature when presented as art is art, but not automatically.

Not 100% sure I stayed on topic.

Freewrite on Koyaanisqatsi

The Film Koyaanisqatsi is…
I also totally guessed 80s from music type and video quality. Take THAT films from before my birth!
                Having heard that the film makers wanted the viewers to “Come to their own conclusion” is disgustingly disingenuous of where ever it originated from. Creation of a voice of opinion within an art piece is constructed of the elements presented of theme and story. Especially with the ending quote which is very clearly designed to shape what the viewer feels. Something what Koyaanisqatsi actually directly means about crying out for change…after showing all of humanity as the subject matter to that.
                I am personally interested in applied arts, art to an intended effect. To intentionally invoke the result from the elements of the medium in use. As a film without named characters the subjects BECOME the characters, this being “EARTH” and “HUMANITY”. Pretty much all shots related to humanity in the first 3/4ths of the movie leave very little in personal space to “Decide myself” instead showing humanity and uncaring and very “Flash in the pan” in presentation. While the EARTH is presented as strong and immortal.
                I am 100% up for showing the earth is relatively ageless but the presentation used felt incredibly one sided against humanity. Leaving it very Ludite in tone.

Other observations…
The could only get one factory to let them in to film, a meat packing place which was stupid distracting to me because I kept seeing it and going “And we are back!” when there was about 5 scenes with the factory?
Granted to call them scenes would be disingenuous as if I am implying that the film as anywhere near a typical story structure. Which is both to it’s “Artsy Fartsy” benefit and detriment.

I guess what I am trying to say, Art films without clear direction or pacing just make me get disinterested.

Starred Freewrite 1

(Unfortunately I do not have any other "Starred" freewrites that I remember.)

Being sent out while exhausted both physically and mentally leads to dark roads while writing. The duck pond became not a place of rest but a place of rot and decay, a grim reminder of mortality.
I would rather not tackle such topics, of blood to soft loam to stone. I would rather not speak of creation brought to ruin. I would rather not entertain death.
Yet the particles underneath my feet, the damp smell in the air from the rain left that in my mind. Shreds of plant and refuse giving way to my weight, powerless under entropy yet fundamental in the foundation of new growth.
Wow I am tired right now.
I am clear in growth surrounded by the dead, far from the waxing crescent of my life far in the future, the short duration of life present in co-existing body and soul. But I seek out to continue in soul in the works I create and the impact I have.

I will be more than debris.

Small Things O' NATURE

Observations of small moments are a skill that I have gradually developed. As my hobby is the creation of mostly applied art but sometimes vaguely “Fine” art.
The rustle of tides of leaves and the loss of friction on leaf covered paths. The biting cold where even the snow seeks shelter from the wind. The curl of smoke as it rises and dissipates. The flames licking wood from quivering embers.

The smallest details create grounding in every scene, created or reality.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Transcription #3

Sept 8th

The process of life as art? I guess it would qualify as all else as art, a function of the mind to create meaning from chaos. However I am hesitent to call life and death art, these are subjects you make art of, they do not gain meaning in their lonesome. Now beauty can be seen in it and that can inspire people to act and then create art.

Art is very much a social structure yet we assign it to things that were not built or shaped by our own hands, though I don't have much more to add at this point.

Capital "A", Art is already one of the worse rabbit hole subjects that goes beyond philosophical base musing.

Transcription #2

August 27th - Koyaanisqatsi

What did the film makers intend.

They intend to invoke change.

First they show the permanence of earth and how slow and grand it is.

The film contrasts this with the accelerated film speed while showing people. Though this seems to be limited to cities.

Also it was pretty clear very few factories let them inside to film, having by majority meat packaging lines.

The film wants to invoke change but the slow editing is by majority painfully slow. The old 80s film making felt clearly old. It also came off as condescending to me, but I don't live in the city which seems to be the topic focused on.

Also Ludism themes but...yeah.

Freewrite transcription #1

Transcription of Aug 20, 2015

Appears to be on the first chapter of desert solitaire.

   The persona preseted in the material read so far is of a person who cares about nature over anything else. Which unfortunately I don't think is that virtuous. Respect of the indifferent provider that is the earth is important for the long game of human survival.

The impression provided by the book feels of something I adamantly hate. The concept of humans being unnatural on earth. This is extremely destructive for all people involved and creates a stark "This vs them" situation. This is frustrating to me because human adaption to the earth is the ability to work the land beyond a burrow in the dirt.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rocks and gravity Glue

So here we go, blog post one.

Writing assignment on the Rocks chapter of Desert Solitaire.

Straight up I thought the chapter was...a brick wall.

The first page was fine at first and quickly rattled off the names of gems into a droll list giving and set no proper precedent for the page after. Stories of destructive human exploitation of the land.

There was no real narrative to latch on to, just tangentially related stories which actively disinterested the reader and is only read because it's the assigned work. It felt like taking a pick to bedrock.


Also at the same time of reading this chapter we stacked rocks in class in the style of gravity glue.

It was interesting and in extremely different the application of balance on stones. It was genuinely fun to figure it out and assemble the allotment of rocks with another class mate. I much rather shape the world than let it be within reason.