Sunday, December 6, 2015

Freewrite on Koyaanisqatsi

The Film Koyaanisqatsi is…
I also totally guessed 80s from music type and video quality. Take THAT films from before my birth!
                Having heard that the film makers wanted the viewers to “Come to their own conclusion” is disgustingly disingenuous of where ever it originated from. Creation of a voice of opinion within an art piece is constructed of the elements presented of theme and story. Especially with the ending quote which is very clearly designed to shape what the viewer feels. Something what Koyaanisqatsi actually directly means about crying out for change…after showing all of humanity as the subject matter to that.
                I am personally interested in applied arts, art to an intended effect. To intentionally invoke the result from the elements of the medium in use. As a film without named characters the subjects BECOME the characters, this being “EARTH” and “HUMANITY”. Pretty much all shots related to humanity in the first 3/4ths of the movie leave very little in personal space to “Decide myself” instead showing humanity and uncaring and very “Flash in the pan” in presentation. While the EARTH is presented as strong and immortal.
                I am 100% up for showing the earth is relatively ageless but the presentation used felt incredibly one sided against humanity. Leaving it very Ludite in tone.

Other observations…
The could only get one factory to let them in to film, a meat packing place which was stupid distracting to me because I kept seeing it and going “And we are back!” when there was about 5 scenes with the factory?
Granted to call them scenes would be disingenuous as if I am implying that the film as anywhere near a typical story structure. Which is both to it’s “Artsy Fartsy” benefit and detriment.

I guess what I am trying to say, Art films without clear direction or pacing just make me get disinterested.

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